Have you ever stumbled upon and looked at some abandoned trains and thought: “I wonder what that train was used for”, “I wonder where that train has been”, “I wonder who has been on that train”, “I wonder how long that abandoned train has sat here”. Well, you are definitely not alone. Maybe that is what draws me to trains, the thought of how trains are a Journey into the past.
So, I have decided to compile a few of the most notable unused and abandoned trains. These are all trains that I have discovered while wandering around the U.S. You just never know what you may stumble upon while venturing out in the unknown.
I hope you enjoy these photos, just as much as I enjoyed taking them. All of these are from the eastern portion of the U.S and are located in the southern states. Enjoy!
Un-used and Abandoned Trains

To check out a video of the ex-C&O GP9 click HERE

Other Articles
Here are a few more articles that I have created about Railfan topics:
In conclusion, you just never know what you may find while you are out exploring.
Do you know of any Railfan locations?
What about abandoned and un-used trains?
Let me know in the comments below and you just may see the locations and trains in future articles.
As a female, I have found that many women are not into trains like I am. So feel free to comment and reach out to me. Heck, if you are any rail fan reach out to me, or if you know of any locations then I’d love to connect!
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