So, the holidays are upon us yet again, and before we know it Christmas will be here! This year, we have a whole new slew of issues to take into consideration with holiday travel, along with the usual worries- flight delays, cancellations, etc. Now, we have to take precautions regarding COVID-19. It is recommended if at all possible that celebrations be held at home instead of traveling. However, we know how much family means to us, as well as how much family probably means to you. So, we’ve come up with these 5 travel tips for holiday travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, let’s check out these 5 tips for holiday travel and family gatherings.

1. Before deciding whether to travel or not, research recent COVID-19 cases in the area you will be traveling to. If you see a recent spike in cases, weigh the pros and cons before travel.
2. Ensure that if you do plan to travel that you pack necessities to keep you safe. Make sure to pack: masks (pack a few extra masks for backup), hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes (I use mine to wipe down my steering wheel, phone, and other electronics) and antibacterial hand soap. I recommend the hand soap because each hotel I’ve stayed in, did not offer antibacterial hand soap (only bar soap which harbors bacteria!)
3. Consider taking your own vehicle, as you increase the risk of COVID-19 exposure through air travel and bus travel. If car travel is not an option ensure that you keep the recommended 6 feet apart (if and when possible), wear your mask, and wash your hands regularly.
4. When traveling during the holidays in order to spend time with family, take intro consideration the risks. How many people will be at our family gathering? Does anyone have any COVID-19 symptoms? Where are we holding our celebration?
Note that outdoor gatherings (if possible) hold less risk than indoor gatherings.
5. If you are attending or hosting a family gathering take into consideration the supplies needed to keep things sanitized. Instead of asking everyone to bring 2 dishes, have them bring some sanitizing supplies instead.

Like these 5 tips for holiday travel during the COVID-19 pandemic? For more holiday travel tips click HERE
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